Friday 11 January 2013

Testimonial #1

Azlan wanted me to share my experience with Vimax since I have extensively used this sex pill throughout the years. I won't disclose my name for privacy reasons. This incident had actually happened to me and had almost ruined my marriage.

I was the 2-minute guy since my teenage days. I just couldn't control or contain myself from ejaculating too early. I didn't have any difficulty bringing chicks back to my place. The problem would start once we're in the bedroom and it's sex time. I knew what was going to literally happen the next 3 1/2 minutes. I would come under 2 minutes from making out, foul play or even just from rubbing my penis against her thigh; she would get pissed, quickly dress up, spend close to a minute emasculating me and when time's up, she'd be gone and I'd be left hanging like the flaccid penis I was.

It was such a routine I couldn't be bothered to get myself medically checked out.
It was like I had broken or fractured my penis.
I just came a little too early. No reason to be alarmed by.

I met the love of my life, Lisa and she knew from the very first time we had sex I did have a premature ejaculation problem. Guess you could say love was blind back then. She couldn't care about me cumming quickly as long as we were together.
But, as time flew by and we had become a married couple, Lisa's moods just went haywire, completely cuckoo. She would get pissed off for no absolute reason. She refused to sleep in the same bed as me. I thought it was the monthly thing but this madness lasted almost a year. I began resenting returning home after work and Lisa too would be at her friend's place. Communication had stopped, not even an eye contact.

I eventually managed to convince Lisa for the both of us to see a shrink.
I did most of the talking during the earlier sessions but during one session, I had a shock of my life. Even the therapist had nearly flipped the chair over.
"I need you to F**K me!"
I was like, if sex is the problem, why are we doing this? Let's just f**k at home.
She exploded even more.
"I can't stand it anymore! 2 minutes just won't work for me!"

I knew exactly what had to be done.
I was introduced to Vimax and slowly my endurance built up and I was beginning to practice more self-control. My marriage could have crumbled if it hadn't been for the wake up call. Vimax saved my marriage. It is true guys. If you happen to be a quick shooter, you better pop a Vimax quick because when a woman says she doesn't mind the whole 2 minute thing, she won't mean it for that long. Women have sexual needs too.

Alright. Back to you Azlan.

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