Wednesday 28 August 2013

Two Men Walked into a Bar...

I know a chap, a nice fellow I met at a bar once. Can't remember how, but then again as with most encounters at bars, I don't!

Well, long story short and bullshit aside, I happened to mention to him my plan for getting it on like a champ with this beaut later in the evening. Of course, what else do two alpha males talk about at a dingy pub, right?

I told him how I was going to blow her mind. I was going to go for five hours, I said. He joined in my camaraderie, cheering me on and boosting my ego.

Until I casually remarked I was going to get some help. Help in the form of a nice azure pill called Viagra.

His face suddenly darkened and he grew sombre and serious. "Don't," was all he said. The happy chatter suddenly died down and he was staring ahead, head bowed.

Naturally, I was perplexed. I didn't need to do much for him to tell me his story.

"I was 22 at that time, and I was having a tough time. You know, I was this nobody in college and the only shooting I was doing was into a Kleenex. So anyway, for some reason this girl in Economics takes a liking to me and actually thought my socially awkward ways were adorable."

"So one thing progressed to the next, and we were going to get it on. I wanted to channel all that pent up anxiety, so I was determined to blow her mind. I managed to get some contraband Viagra from this judgemental douchebag and I thought I was absolutely going to make this girl see the light."

"I will save you the details because they still make me cringe, but not only did I crash and burn with her, I lost the last of the confidence I had. Come one day, drunk out of my mind, I ended up at this random party. My memory's in patches here, but all I remember is taking a pill from this guy's bottle in some room and going at it for what seemed like eternity with this brunette."

"That was all I remembered, and the next day I absolutely had to find out what the hell I took! So I broke in and stole the entire bottle."

"And today, here, I'm sharing my secret with you."

So he took my blue pill, smashed it, and replaced it with one of his. We bid our goodbyes after, and I resumed my plan. Nothing's changed, except that I no longer have that Viagra -- nothing I can do about it anyway!

I will simply leave you with a passing statement -- that night was my night of enlightenment. And like all good sages, I will leave you with this:

Like all great words, it also starts with a V. Except it doesn't sound as crude as Viagra. Vimax. Infinitely better. Infinitely safer. You heard it here.

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