Tuesday 5 February 2013

"Viagra for anyone?"

Becomes easier to pop a pill 

Name: Jack Da Playa
Healthy male. 174 cm tall and extremely athletic. 
Favorite places to pick up ladies: Lounges and exclusive bars. 
Loves to party and loves women too much.
Hidden weakness: can't function without Viagra.

Suffering from psychological issues and self-esteem deprivation, Jack just can't enjoy sex without popping the blue pill first. 

I remember reading the news about  a writer who had killed himself simply because he had lied to his girlfriend about his secret Viagra intake! The girlfriend claimed they had a 'normal physical relationship' and didn't understand why he had to be on Viagra.
My guess is this: He had some unresolved sexual issues and needed Viagra to somehow create clarity in his personal turmoil. Whether he was dependent on the drug or not remains vague.

Viagra can control your life when it enslaves you as an addict.
I read about this guy who spends a 1000 pounds annually on Viagra and even though he's fit as hell and only in his 30s, he just can't enjoy sex without popping the blue pill first. 

Viagra is even used as a recreational drug in clubs and parties.

Isn't ecstasy enough for you party animals?

I won't be surprised if in years to come. toilet detergent becomes the next thing! Check out this guy next door!

The point I'm trying to relate here is that Viagra can be addictive like any other drug.
The more you use it, the higher are your chances of becoming hooked onto it.
The same principal applies to any drugs. 
They're a step away from being abused.

Vimax is still the best, safest choice on the market.

No chemicals whatsoever. No chemicals to get you addicted. Only plant oils and natural extracts make up the ingredients. I myself use it occasionally when I need to rev up my game. A few known buddies of mine who had erectile dysfunctions and low libidos had these issues sorted out after using Vimax. Eventually their erections returned and never needed Vimax again. They can now erect naturally.